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Marker rings

By doing several projects at the same time, I ended up running out of marker rings! And that's how I spent my morning.

Materials: wooden beads, seed beads, crimp beads, pliers, wire for beads, a little patience

First cut the metal wire (around 15 cm), make a loop, pass the two ends through a crimp bead and crush using pliers.

Then add a seed bead, a large bead and again a seed bead. Finish with a crimp bead. This is where, generally, I find that I have big fingers or glasses that do not correct my vision enough...

All that remains is to crush the last bead and cut the excess wire as close as possible to the bead to be crushed. Attention ! , the ends of wire tend to squirt to the other end of the room!

This article has 2 comments

  1. Caroline

    Good evening, I make my marker rings like you with the same difficulties 😅. To occupy a rainy day, I do a marker workshop with my granddaughter; his little fingers and his good eyes are beneficial to me. I just give more pressure on the crushing pearls. In addition, I use letter beads which make it easier for me to progress (ggt, ss, ad, ag…)

  2. assolaine

    Hello, thank you for this well-filmed tutorial, very useful for my next aperitif-knitting/knitting workshop. I make my markers in the same way, but incorporating letter beads (ssk, ggt, dd, AIG…., ) to facilitate progress, and the “tricopines” envy me so sharing knowledge and know-how thank you thank you.

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